Thursday, July 31, 2008

Blegging for Crabs

A new awful word: bleg.

TO BLEG, v., intrans., to ask the reader of an online journal for something; to beg upon a blog. He's always blegging on his blog for interesting things to do around town.

Look, people of Internet, you don't always have to smush existing words together to form new words. Portmanteau words are usually reviled if they're ugly (see "blog" but especially "bleg") or used trendily until the trend passes (see "metrosexual"). There are other ways to make new words: by Anglosizing words from other languages (see about 70% of the English language), or by making them up completely (see "grawlix").

The two reasons people like making portmanteaus is that they require little effort and they are instantly understandable. When I first heard the term, I didn't know what "guyliner" was, but I quickly had an idea.

But now I have to bleg. Does anyone out there know where I can find good, fresh crabs by the bushel around Takoma Park and Silver Spring? I'm having a crab feast on August 16th, and I need a supplier.

(I guess it's more effective to bleg on a blog with a larger audience. Must work on that someday.)


Human Microbiome Search Engine said...

You said:
"I guess it's more effective to bleg on a blog with a larger audience. Must work on that someday."

That's hilarious. True, but still hilarious.

BTW, are you still working on the 100-pushups program?

chovak said...

Wow, when did this comment sneak by?!

No, Jim, I wussed out on the 100 pushups program. I want to get back into it, though. Maybe tomorrow.