I went to Whole Foods for groceries the other day. I ended up with a bookbagfull of snacks.
I've been trying out some vegan stuff lately, just to see how it tastes. I like some vegan cookies, especially the variety you see on the right, made by Alternative Baking Company. I love the pumpkin spice one.
At Whole Foods, I picked up Gone Crackers (a wheatless cracker, made with seeds), dried cherries, Kashi trail mix cookies, two kinds of cheeses (these are snacks, in my book), bulk rice crackers, packaged rice crackers, Aussie-style soft strawberry licorice, and organic vegan gelatin-free gummi bears.
Gone Crackers are always great with hummus. They're basically crunchy spoons for deliciousness. They're nutty, too, made primarily with seeds and nuts. I think that makes them high in fiber but low in carbohydrates.
I'm addicted to dried cherries these days. I've almost finished the container that I bought on Friday, and I've been "going slow."
I haven't dug into the trail mix cookies from Kashi, yet, but I've had them before. I like eating them by dunking them in Seven Stars yogurt (also purchased at Whole Foods).
Finished off one of the cheeses already. I have a cheese problem.
The bulk rice crackers, while always somewhat stale, are very satifying. They don't have many calories. They're pleasantly spicy, in that it takes you a few handfuls to realize the spiciness, but when you do, it's good. These were gone yesterday.
I also bought WF's 365-brand Rice Crackers, shaped in circular wafers, seaweed variety. I've finished all of them, too.
I shared the licorice with my roommates. They all loved it. They, like me, feel that Twizzlers taste of chemicals. The soft licorice that I got was delicious and just tasted like it came from natural stuff. Gone on Friday.
Organic vegan gummi bears. I just bought them on a whim. I would normally never pay $2.25 for a 3.5oz box of candy, but I thought, "Organic gummi bears? How good could that be?" Not good at all, it turns out. The consistency was gross--apple pectin will do that for you. They were supposed to be sour, too--they weren't. The flavors were somewhat distictive, as in I could distinguish between them. I ate them all, mainly because I was craving sugar and didn't have any real food in the house.
I should really go shopping again. Not to Whole Foods, this time; the snacks are too tempting.
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