Tuesday, February 03, 2009

100 Post Mark

Happy Setsubun, everybody!

Setsubun is a sort of Japanese new year tradition in which they drive out demons from their houses by throwing soybeans around, in order to invite good luck in for the coming seasons. I'm glad it worked out that my 100th post fell on this kind of day. Here's hoping Districted has a good year! 鬼は外! 福は内!

Blogging has been an interesting experiment, this time around. I've tried to keep pretense minimized and Japanese references relegated to my So Ka So Ka blog. I'm glad Hatandcoat egged me on to become a blogger with him.

My most popular posts this past year have mostly been due to DCBlogsNoted's linkage, for which I am most grateful, or due to my friends checking out pictures of pumpkins or reading about my near-death experience. Here's the best of Districted, as selected by pageviews.

55 Reasons Why I Love the DC Area - by far the most-viewed post. By FAR. It also generated the most comments. Sorry, Hatandcoat, but people love lists. Like Arnold would say, "give the people lists!"

Percieved Impoliteness - first one picked up by DCBlogsNoted. I'm still not sure who was in the wrong in that situation.

Sweetness on the Metro: Gimmie Hug Edition - a girl wants a hug.

Election Day Deals - I like to attract thrifty readers.

Double-Blog Crisis: Pumpkin Edition - pumpkin carving pics!

My First Near-VH Experience - Scary.

The Ugliest Side of America - Political.

He Used To Be a Caveman. But Now He's a Lawyer. - A Hatandcoat post!

That's enough of looking backward. What's coming this year? Well, as I've said somewhere already, I want to emphasize the cheap stuff in the DC/Silver Spring/Arlington areas. Free stuff, too. I also will talk about biking; sorry, can't help it. I'll also try and incorporate my photography more into the blog, without getting all photobloggy.

Here's to a good year! Out with the demons! In with the luck!

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