Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So apparently my co-blogger doesn't like to touch politics, not even with a plastic bag. Fair enough. But are all current events and hot topics anathema? Try this one, H&C.

All over the Internet, the story's going round that a lot of colleges are requesting that the drinking age be lowered to 18. Even my school-to-be, UMD of College Park, is getting in on this action. Here's an excerpt from the Baltimore Sun:
"Kids are going to drink whether it's legal or illegal," said Johns Hopkins President William R. Brody, who supports lowering the drinking age to 18. "We'd at least be able to have a more open dialogue with students about drinking as opposed to this sham where people don't want to talk about it because it's a violation of the law."
I think this is a great point. If drinking has to be hidden, there's bound to be people who can endanger themselves just trying to keep it hidden.

The article goes on to interview students. This is where things get weird.
Several students interviewed yesterday at Johns Hopkins said lowering the drinking age could reduce binge drinking. "I think alcohol is seen, a lot of times, as a forbidden thing, and people want it," said Jamie Hittman, 20, a junior from Columbia. "It's almost like contraband. Once you get it, you have to drink all of it."

Katie Buckheit, 19 and also a junior, said if people were exposed to drinking at a younger age, they would be more mature about it. "Maybe I'm being idealistic, but in Europe you can drink once you can see the bar," she said. "I think we should maybe take a lesson from what other countries are doing."
Okay, Baltimore Sun, check your sources. Mr. Hittman sounds like he is full of BS. Come on. "It's, it's like forbidden fruit, man. We wouldn't drink so much if it was, like, legal. So, when can we change the law? 'Cause my birthday's in April next year, so before then would be good."

And Ms. Buckheit, not everything is better in Europe. Check your sources. What kind of lessons are you looking to take from EU countries? How to be the heaviest consumer of alcohol in the world? I did a search for alcoholism in Europe and got so depressed I had to go down to the pub.

I guess at this point assuming that college students are going to wait to start drinking until they are 21 is about as naive as thinking that abstinence education will keep teens from having sex. I think it's a good thing that these college presidents are starting this conversation. Good luck to them! MADD has already ordered the hits. 100+ colleges will soon be looking for new presidents, preferably dry as dust.

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